Gurbachan Singh Sachdev, has gained international recognition as Master of the Bansuri.
A native of Chandigrah, G.S.Sachdev started playing the bansuri at 14. He trained with some of India's greatest musicians including Vijay Raghav Rao, Ali Akbar Khan and Ravi Shankar. He resides in San Rafael, California, in the US where he has taught and conducted workshops and master classes at the university level for many years.
Pandit Ravi Shankar says "I also admire his ability to touch the spirit of the raga...and also to move the listeners citeotionally with his pure and classical approach."
San Francisco Chronicle wrote "Sachdev is one of those great artists you don't know how to describe because there are hardly any words. Marvelous won't quite do. His playing defines what simplicity and beauty are."
Unlike many musicians, Sachdev has shied away from fusion. He finds great pleasure and a sense of immense satisfaction with the rigors and demands of Indian classical music. His music is normally considered as an antidote to Tension, Stress, Fatigue and Cynicism.
He performs and tours regularly in Europe, Asia and throughout North America. Over the years, he has developed the gift of communicating instantly with the audiences through his music.
"We are fortunate to have such a fine musician as GS Sachdev in our presence."
- George Harrison.
"I admire his ability to touch the spirit of the raga he performs and also to move the listeners emotionally with his pure and classical approach."
- Ravi Shankar.
"Sachdev's playing is the most sensitive I have ever heard. The metal flute is just not capable of the subtleties and nuances produced by the Bamboo flute. Its truly transcendental music."
- Paul Horn
Courtesy Musical Nirvana and Pandit G. S. Sachdev Site. Reproduced here for educational purposes only.